Sunday, October 20, 2019

IL Road Trip 2019: Part 2 (Family Time)

While the girls and I were in IL, we were blessed to see everyone in my immediate family, as well as spend time with my lifelong friends Peggie and Sarah.

It was chilly and windy in IL, so the girls and I wore our winter coats and boots every day:

We enjoyed celebrating Hadley's 5th birthday at Gran Rowell's house. Grandma Judy baked a chocolate cake. We sang Happy Birthday. Hadley blew out her candles and opened her presents.

4 Generations! Gran Rowell will celebrate her 104th birthday on October 27. Gran and Hadley are the oldest and youngest members of our family (104 years old and 5 years old this year).

 Playing at Gran Rowell's House

Savannah and Hadley enjoyed playing Gran's piano:

One day we had lunch at Chick-fil-a with my brother Michel, my sister-in-law Sheree, and my niece Mya. Savannah and Hadley were excited to see their cousin Mya!

Grandma Judy and her grand girls Mya (16), Hadley (5), and Savannah (10)

Grandma Judy gave Savannah and Hadley rides on Mr. Duane's 4-wheeler:

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