Saturday, October 26, 2019

Everyday Moments

These random iPhone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last few weeks.

In our garage, Tal did some exercises with Savannah to help build her upper body strength:

On September 28, cousins Harper, Savannah, and Hadley played with Barbies at Grandma Barbara's house:

While we were in Salter Path, Tal started building a fence at his mom's house:

Thanks to Grandma Barbara for taking care of Savannah while she was tracked-out from school during the first two weeks of October. On October 3, Savannah and Grandma Barbara surprised Harper at school and ate lunch with her in the cafeteria:

On October 3, temps were close to 100 degrees... Uncle Benny took Grandma Barbara, Savannah, and Harper boating and swimming in the Sound:

While Savannah was at Grandma Barbara's house, Hadley and I played at Chick-fil-a and got an afternoon treat:

Hadley and I painted our nails gold for fall:

On Hadley's birthday on October 10, Grandma Barbara helped Hadley pass out ice cream sandwiches to her class, as well as checked-out Hadley from school early. Grandma Barbara took Savannah and Hadley to the mall, where they played and ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. 

Grandma Barbara also took Hadley on a birthday shopping spree at the mall and Target, where Hadley picked out some new clothes and toys (including the baby carrier pictured below). Thanks to Grandma Barbara for her generosity!

On her birthday, Hadley was excited when she got a surprise Amazon package from Uncle Benny, Aunt EJ, and Harper!

On October 16, Grandma Barbara and Harper spent the night at our house since they were going to the state fair with us the next day. We all got burgers for dinner and then got Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for dessert. 
Cousins Savannah, Harper, and Hadley

On October 18, the girls and I didn't have school, so we had a girls day since Tal works from home on Fridays. The girls got haircuts...

...and then we ate lunch at Cici's Pizza (the girls' choice):

While Hadley and I took a nap...

...Hadley slept with her blanket and friends Pinky and Momo:

This week Savannah and Grandma Judy worked on a 300-piece donut puzzle...

...and today Savannah and her friend Liza finished the puzzle!

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