Sunday, January 19, 2014

Backyardigans: Part 11 (Mulch Perimeter)

On Saturday, Tal and I started the mulch perimeter around Savannah's playset:

First, we put down landscape fabric for weed control:

Tal cut the fabric to size:

Then, we used stakes to keep the fabric in place:

We went to the landscape landfill and got a truckload of mulch for $15.
Tal scooped the mulch into two wheelbarrows...

...and I dumped them on the landscape fabric:

It took us an hour to dump the truckload of mulch: 

Then, Tal spread the mulch around the play area:

After two hours, we were done laying fabric and spreading mulch:

Weather permitting, next weekend we'll install the plastic playground border...

 ...lay more landscape fabric... 

 ...and spread 2-3 more truckloads of mulch:

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