Sunday, December 8, 2013

Backyardigans: Part 3 (Goodbye, Brick Patio)

Now that our front yard is looking decent...

...Tal and I are turning our attention to our backyard:

It has been 1.5 years since Tal and I have done any 
major work in our backyard (see part 1 and part 2):  

In July 2012, Tal dug up some trees and bushes 
that were dead, dying, or overgrown due to lack of maintenance:

If everything goes smoothly, Santa's elves will be building a wooden playset (like this or this
in the space below for Savannah for Christmas:

To make way for Savannah's playset, last weekend Tal pulled up the brick patio, 
which was overgrown with weeds:

Tal worked his tail off and dug up over 200 bricks... the cement border and outdoor lights: 

Savannah helped dig up the sand:

A few days ago, Tal stacked the bricks in his truck... 

...and delivered them to one of his coworkers who is going to use the bricks for a landscaping project.
Loading and unloading the bricks was exhausting work!

Now that Tal and I have removed the bricks, grass, cement, and wires from Savannah's play area, 
we're going to rent a tiller next weekend and work on breaking up the dirt and leveling the area:

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