Saturday, April 20, 2013

Preschool Memorable Moments

Each day, Tal and I enjoy receiving a daily report from Savannah's preschool, which includes a memorable moment from her day:

1. Savannah was so proud of herself (and so was I) today. This morning she said she could spell "cloudy" by herself. Ms. Lindsey covered up the word, and Savannah spelled the word correctly. Way to go!

2. Savannah loved showing off her camera. She clicked and clicked and pretended to take lots of pictures.

3. Savannah painted a beautiful picture today. She used lots of colors!

4. Savannah told us about a stop light today. She told us what the colors meant.

5. Savannah put rocks in the watering can and watered the plants.

6. Savannah put on make-up in dramatic play today. She said she wasn't going anywhere. She just wanted to look "pretty."

7. Savannah and her friends made a track out of blocks for their cars to drive on. They went super fast!

8. Savannah pretended that her seashells were seeds and planted a garden. She said they were going to grow eggs. :-)

9. Savannah had a relaxing morning in her hotel. She took a short nap and dreamt about going to the park.

10. Welcome back, Savannah! Savannah colored a picture of a huge giant.

11. Savannah really enjoyed playing in the sensory table today. She made yummy food for her friends to eat.

12. Savannah thought it was so funny when she and a friend hooked their arms together and walked around the room. Another friend even joined in.

13. Savannah enjoyed playing "London Bridge" outside today.

14. Savannah and a friend enjoyed playing with the bears in the math center. She put them on a train.

15. Savannah put all of the animals on stars this morning. When asked why, she said it was dark outside, and they needed to see.

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