Saturday, May 16, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 5

Our family finished our 9th week of quarantine and our 5th week of online teaching and learning. A week ago, the NC governor lifted the stay-at-home order, and we entered Phase 1 of reopening the state. However, our daily lives haven't changed much. We are still working from home and practicing social distancing.

During the lockdown, our family has been thankful that our neighborhood has many miles of sidewalks for walking, running, and riding bikes. I've enjoyed walking around our neighborhood most mornings before I start online teaching at home.

To celebrate Mother's Day and my birthday, Tal gifted me a running watch, so I can track my fitness activity:

The girls rode scooters at the park in our neighborhood...

...and then we hiked down to Falls Lake:

Hadley LOVES to play hide and seek. Can you find Hadley?

Savannah and her neighborhood friend Sky wrote positive chalk messages in our driveway:

After having a broken tooth for the last 2.5 months, I finally got a temporary crown last week. I was scheduled to have my tooth fixed in mid-March, but then the dentist closed for two months due to the pandemic.

Over the last few weeks, Tal has spread four truckloads of mulch around our house...with some help from one of his favorite mulchers (Hadley).

During Teacher Appreciation Week, I received a swag bag from the PTA that included a staff T-shirt. It had a Friends theme and showed how teachers have spent the last two months helping students and teaching from their couches during the pandemic.

Savannah and Hadley spent hours camping in their RV (my SUV):

The tooth fairy visited our house this week and left $5 for Savannah. Savannah lost a molar, and it was pretty painful.

Hadley painted a rainbow cake:

Savannah painted a beach scene:

Hadley loves snuggling and sleeping with her two stuffed puppies (whom she calls "cuties") Puppy and Millie.

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