Sunday, May 3, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 4

Our family completed our 7th week of social distancing and our 3rd week of online teaching and learning.

Due to the pandemic, the public library in our neighborhood has been closed since mid-March. We miss attending storytimes and picking up new books. However, Hadley and I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in virtual story times with some of our favorite local librarians. The songs, stories, and lessons have been excellent.

After school, the girls played at the waterfall park:

Hadley packed her suitcase to go to Grandma's house. Then, she buckled up her baby and brought along her stuffed puppy.

Thanks to my Aunt Joy for sewing face masks for our entire family. 

Thanks to our friend Emily who gave Hadley a craft kit for a paper mache bowl. Hadley loved this messy craft!

Hadley's completed paper mache bowl

While I recorded my online video lessons, the girls made a fort under our dining room table.

Savannah took a nap under the table.

On Saturday morning, our family walked 1.25 miles on a new greenway trail.

On Saturday evening, we went on a car ride across town and picked up Little Caesar's pizza and warm cookies from Insomnia Cookies.

For the first time since the quarantine started 7 weeks ago, the girls had a playdate this afternoon. They practiced social distancing, while they ate popsicles on our driveway with a neighborhood friend. It made me happy to see my girls happy. They have missed their friends so much.

Today's warm weather was perfect for sno cones!

The girls played with playdoh, while I painted our master bedroom recently.

I painted our master bedroom Rainwater by Sherwin Williams. (It's the same muted blue-green color that I painted our dining room and home gym.) I also hung a gallery wall, but I kept it simple this time.


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