Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gran's 80th Birthday Party!

Last night our family celebrated Gran's 80th birthday!

Actually, it was a joint 80th birthday party for Gran and her twin sister Ellen:

Aunt Ellen and Gran

Here's a picture of Gran and Aunt Ellen as little girls:

Grandma Barbara and her cousins planned the party that over 100 people attended:

Gran and Aunt Ellen wore black feather boas and 80th birthday hats:

BBQ for dinner

Our Family

Aunt Ellen's Family

Three Generations: 
Gran, Savannah, and Grandma Barbara 

 Gran and her sister Florence

Gran and her grandsons: Benny and Tal 

Gran and Grandaddy

Daughter-Mother: Barbara and Gran

Savannah, Harper, Grandma Barbara, and Gran

 We're so glad we were able to celebrate with Gran on her milestone birthday!

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