Sunday, March 29, 2020

Everyday Moments

These random phone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from this week.

This week our family finished our second week of being quarantined. We also learned that school will be closed until May 15. Tal and I are very blessed to have jobs and to be able to work from home, but it is very stressful working 8 hours a day AND teaching and taking care of the girls. However, every day we make time for outdoor play, crafts, games, cooking, and puzzles. 

Hadley and I used a recipe from Grandma Barbara to make chocolate chip pancakes out of a muffin mix.

Hadley practiced flipping the pancakes:

Hadley did my makeup:

We live in a large neighborhood with many subdivisions. During our daily walks, the girls and I have been exploring different parts of our neighborhood. One day, we walked to a subdivision named Savannah and a street named Victoria (Hadley's middle name). Notice that Savannah is wearing a shirt with her name that she got for her birthday.

Riding on our street

On Tuesday, I worked at school, so the girls hung out with Tal while he worked in the bonus room.

Hadley drew a rainbow and emailed it to her preschool teacher:

It was 90 degrees outside this weekend, so the girls put on their swimsuits and washed Tal's truck:

Also, this weekend I ironed, hung, and hemmed Ikea Lenda curtains in our home gym:

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