Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Spring Vacation 2019: Part 5 (Pawleys Island)

On April 10, the girls and I, along with Grandma Judy, took a day trip to Pawleys Island, SC. It was a 45-minute car ride from our hotel to Pawleys Island.

Pawleys Island has 140 residents. It is a narrow, barrier island that is 4 miles long and accessible by two bridges. Salt water marshes separate the island and the mainland. The island includes a narrow beach, a row of houses, a two-lane road, and marshes.

Much to our surprise, the island was private and uncommercialized. We didn't see any stores, restaurants, or hotels...only houses, a church, a police station, and a couple inns.

After parking in the public beach access lot, Grandma Judy and I sat in our chairs on the beach, while Savannah and Hadley played in the sand and dipped their toes in the ocean. We enjoyed exploring Pawleys Island!

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