Sunday, August 18, 2019

Everyday Moments

These random iPhone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last week.

Hadley loves preschool and is learning a lot. Below are some highlights from the last week at preschool:

Pretend Picnic

Water Play

Using goldfish crackers to make letters 

Free Draw

Washing Dishes


Savannah has read nearly all the books in the Thea Stilton series!

Savannah loves doing Safety Patrol at school this year. Before school, she helps keep students safe in the carpool lane. After school, Savannah monitors the bathroom and hallway to ensure that students are following school-wide expectations for behavior.

This weekend our family drove three hours to help Tal's mom rebuild her front porch, which suffered water damage from Hurricane Florence last September. 

 Before we arrived, Tal's mom and brother had removed all of the warped and rotted boards and picked up all of the materials: 

On Friday afternoon, Tal, Barbara, and Benny replaced the joists... well as laid about 40% of the new porch:

On Saturday morning, Barbara made all of us a big breakfast that consisted of sausage, eggs, and bacon:

Then, Tal, Barbara, and Benny worked about four hours to finish laying the rest of Barbara's front porch:

In all, it took a couple days of prep work and then about 9 hours to rebuild Barbara's porch. The end result looks great!

Barbara plans to paint the boards a light gray:

While Tal, Benny, and Barbara were building the porch, these three cousins had fun playing under Barbara's dining table. They listened to music, had a pretend picnic, and made Perler bead crafts:

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