Monday, September 3, 2012

Basket Case

Today I accomplished one of my 2012 creating more functional and sophisticated storage for Savannah's toys in our living room.


Keeping Savannah's toys in her bedroom or a playroom doesn't work for our family. We spend 95% of our waking hours in our kitchen/living room area. Tal and I need (and want) Savannah nearby, so we can supervise and interact with her. 

For that reason, having a family-friendly living room that includes a space for Savannah's toys is important to us. For the last 20 months, Tal and I have kept Savannah's toys corralled and accessible in the bins below. To visitors, however, it probably seemed like Savannah's toys had overtaken our living room.


For that reason, Tal and I decided to move Savannah's toys from the living room floor and organize them in baskets in our built-in shelves:


My Helper and Model
(wearing her bike elbow pads)

Today I dumped the toys on the floor and weeded out those were broken or had missing pieces. Then, I made a pile of toys that Savannah had outgrown or was no longer interested in. Finally, I organized Savannah's toys into 6 baskets:

Larger Toys

 Dolls and Stuffed Animals 

Dress-Up Items


More Books

Photos and Small Toys

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