Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Everyday Moments

These random iPhone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last couple weeks.

 NC State twins...

...and NC State triplets:

After being housebound for a couple days due to Hurricane Florence, our family enjoyed getting out of our house and eating lunch at Bonefish Grill. Hadley liked tracing around Tal's hand while we waited for our food to arrive: 

On Sept 16, church was canceled due to Hurricane Florence, so I took the girls to Marbles Kids Museum. It was a rainy day, so going to Marbles was a great way to burn some energy, explore, pretend, and be creative:

At bedtime, Hadley and I read stories and took selfies:

 On Sept 17, school was canceled due to Hurricane Florence, so the girls and I ate lunch and played at Chick-fil-a:

Hadley sampled chocolate Italian ice at a new restaurant that's in the same building where Savannah has gymnastics: 

For Grandma Barbara's birthday on Sept 20, our family gave her a custom grandma T-shirt from Etsy that included the names of her three granddaughters: 

Savannah finished chapter book #37!

Now that Savannah and Hadley are older, they let me sleep me until 7:30 A.M. on the weekends.  When I get up, they usually are sitting in the living room recliner, sharing Hadley's blanket, and watching their shows on their iPads:

Savannah got a 100% on her weekly vocab test!

At work this week, Tal's department got relocated, so he packed up his office and moved into a new building 1-2 miles down the road. This is his new cubicle:

Gran and Grandaddy's home was damaged during Hurricane Florence. Tal's mom sent us this pic of their new roof that was installed this week. We hope Gran and Grandaddy will be able to move back into their house soon!

On Tuesday morning, I took the morning off from work because I had a meeting. After my meeting, I stopped by two stores and completed nearly all of our Christmas shopping:

Today I had a workday, which meant a sub taught my six classes while I worked on library and tech stuff. During my lunch/planning period, I picked up lunch from Chick-fil-a and enjoyed eating with Savannah in the cafeteria: 

Hadley drew this picture of our family. Can you find Mommy, Daddy, Savannah, and Hadley?

After school today, the girls enjoyed playing with the water hose in our front yard:

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