Saturday, February 8, 2020

Everyday Moments

These random phone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last week.

Taco Tuesday! Our family loved eating $1 tacos at a Mexican restaurant in our neighborhood.

Below are some highlights from Hadley's week at preschool:

On Thursday, school was released two hours early due to severe weather. On Friday, school was closed. Thankfully, our family didn't lose power or have any damage, so the girls and I enjoyed having a girls day while Tal worked from home. At Target, we drank Starbucks frappes, while we shopped for Savannah's birthday treats and the girls' Valentine's Day parties.

After Target, we went to the public library in our neighborhood. Savannah checked-out some new books to read, while Hadley and I attended storytime. All of the songs and stories focused on the letter "P" and were about penguins and polar bears. After storytime, Hadley caught two bubbles in her hand. 

Next, we ate lunch and played at Burger King. It was a great place to burn some energy on a wet and windy day!

Do you see Savannah?

Do you see Hadley?

Dr. Hadley put on her plastic gloves and used her scissors to "cut open" her doll's chest and do heart surgery. 

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