Sunday, February 16, 2020

Everyday Moments

These random phone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last week.

After having braces for the last 13 months, Savannah got them removed on Feb 11...and she can't stop smiling! Savannah will get her retainer next week and then start wearing Invisalign this summer.

The day that Savannah got her braces off was called Take Off Tuesday in the orthodontist office. Savannah filled a cup with sticky, chewy candy that she was not allowed to eat while she had braces.

Savannah enjoyed serving as a Junior Librarian on her birthday. She collected books from the six classes that had library for specials that day. Then, she checked-in the books and put them on the shelving carts.

Grandma Barbara, Savannah, and I enjoyed attending Hadley's Valentine's Day party at preschool. 

Hadley ate lots of yummy treats at her party.

Hadley was excited to show us the shoe box she had painted and all of the Valentines and treats she had received from her friends.

Our friends Emily, Xavier, and Felix came to visit this weekend. Today the girls enjoyed swimming at their hotel pool, while Emily and I chatted. We hope to see our friends again in March!

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