Saturday, February 22, 2020

Everyday Moments

These random phone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from the last week.

On Monday, Tal and the girls had the day off from work/school due to President's Day. While I was at work, Tal took Savannah and Hadley to a new park.

On Tuesday, we ate dinner at the Ale House and then got frozen yogurt for dessert.

While the girls and I were snowed in, we made stromboli for lunch. The girls helped me spread the pizza sauce and sprinkle the sausage, pepperoni, and cheese. Yummy!

On Friday night, our family ate dinner at Popeye's before we went to NC State's Women's Gymnastics meet. Savannah was excited to eat corn on the cob for the first time since she got her braces removed.

Due to President's Day and the winter weather, Hadley only went to preschool 2.5 days this week. Below are a couple highlights from her days at preschool.

Hadley created a volcano by blowing paint through a straw:

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