Friday, June 5, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 7

12 weeks. That's how long our family has been practicing social distancing, limiting our interactions with others, and working/learning from home. Tal and I often joke about how some things have changed since our family has been working/learning from home over the last three months. For example, we've been eating more food, washing more dishes, making more trash, using more toilet paper, and making more messes. On the other hand, we've been spending less time in the car, using less gas, and doing laundry less often because we often wear clothes a couple days before we wash them. 

This week I cleaned-up my library for the school year. I'll be working at home this summer since the school building is still closed.

This week Hadley had her virtual Kindergarten orientation. She loved seeing her teachers and classmates via Google Meet.

A moment of silence during my medical appointment

This week Savannah and Hadley were so happy to see Grandma Barbara for the first time in four months. 

Grandma Barbara attended Savannah's 5th grade graduation with us, and then she took Savannah and Hadley to her house for a couple days. I wrote packing lists for the girls, and then they packed their bags for Grandma's house. 

Thanks to Grandma Barbara for taking care of our girls for a couple days! For the first time in 3.5 months, Tal and I had a date night. We browsed some stores and then ate dinner at Carrabba's, where we had our first date nearly 14.5 years ago. Over the last couple days, Tal and I have savored the peace and quiet, alone time, and adult conversation. 

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