Thursday, June 4, 2020

Savannah's 5th Grade Graduation!

Congrats to Savannah who graduated from 5th grade today! On March 13, Savannah's school year changed abruptly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last three months, Savannah has longed to say goodbye to her teachers and friends. She's grieved the loss of her chorus performance, as well as her involvement in Junior Librarians, the morning news show, and Safety Patrol. 

Today's socially-distanced, drive-through celebration was a bittersweet ending to Savannah's elementary days and three months of remote learning.  Our family decorated our car, honked our horn, and drove around our neighborhood. The NFP teachers helped Savannah feel loved by playing Pomp and Circumstance, while they cheered for Savannah, announced her name over the loudspeaker, and passed out her 5th grade graduation certificate. Savannah starts middle school in August! 

Savannah loved serving on Safety Patrol!

Thanks to Grandma Barbara for attending Savannah's 5th grade graduation!

5th Grade Graduation Certificate

Savannah's Middle School

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