Sunday, July 21, 2019

Outer Banks 2019: Part 1 (Ocracoke Island)

For our summer vacation, my mom and I took Savannah and Hadley to the Outer Banks of NC for the first time! On July 16, we drove three hours to the ferry terminal in Swan Quarter, NC. Then, we took a three-hour ferry ride to Ocracoke Island.

Hadley hugged her baby on the ferry ride:

After six hours of traveling, we arrived on Ocracoke Island, a quaint and isolated island that is 16 miles long and only accessible by boat or small plane. We spent the day exploring the island, visiting local shops, eating ice cream, seeing the Ocracoke Lighthouse, and swimming in the hotel pool. 

We stayed at Anchorage Inn and Marina, which had beautiful views of the harbor and Ocracoke Lighthouse.

The Ocracoke Lighthouse was built in 1823 and is not open for climbing. The lighthouse has a solid white exterior and a light that stays lit during the day. The Ocracoke Lighthouse was the 4th NC lighthouse (out of 7) that Savannah and Hadley visited!

Hadley (4), Grandma Judy, and Savannah (10)

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