Friday, May 14, 2021

Covid Chronicles: Part 29

Today the NC governor lifted mask and social distancing requirements in most public areas. The girls and I will continue to wear masks at school. 

Swinging at the park after school

Hadley has been improving her arm strength, and she recently scooted all the way across the bar at the park!

Mother's Day

Family Selfie

Hadley drew a Mama bumblebee and her baby bee. Buzzzz!

A couple hours after Tal and I put Hadley to bed, we found her asleep in her office chair with her feet propped up on her desk.

Tal loves his new prescription sunglasses that were a generous gift from his mom and brother. 

Hadley held Savannah's hands and comforted her during a dental procedure. So sweet!

Savannah assembled the Lego Friends Baking Competition kit with 361 pieces.

Today the girls and I had a remote learning day due to a gas shortage in our area. Hadley completed her Google Classroom assignments in our living room. 

Hadley read aloud several books to me.

Savannah finished a 300-piece puzzle that was an illustrated map of the United States.

Hadley turned her closet into a secret hideaway. She loves to spread a blanket on the floor and draw pictures. 

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