Saturday, August 22, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 12

Last weekend I took the girls back-to-school shopping for clothes, backpacks, and school supplies. Hadley filled her pencil box with pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue since she will be unable to share supplies with her classmates due to the coronavirus.

Hadley wore her new unicorn backpack outside when she played outside in our backyard during "recess."

Savannah made Rainbow Loom rings and gave them to her friends as gifts.

For the first time in 5 months, we attended service at our church last Sunday. Before the service began, Hadley stuck "pimples" on her face.

Although you can't see Hadley in the photo below, she hid herself behind the baskets and pillows and then asked me to find her. 

Savannah made an unicorn panda and unicorn pug out of melty Perler beads.
So detailed and creative!

Hadley loved making castles out of red Solo cups...and then knocking them down. 

Hadley ate a popsicle on a summer day. 

Hadley napped with her green blanket on her pillow and snuggled with Puppy, Ellie the Unicorn, and Pinky Bear. Hadley loves soft and cozy items!

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