Sunday, August 9, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 11

Well, it's been almost five months since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Last week our governor extended Phase 2 until September 11. We continue to wear masks and practice social distancing in public. Gyms, churches, libraries, and playgrounds are still closed. The girls and I start remote learning on August 17. Tal will be working from home until (at least) the end of 2020. 

On July 18, water from our upstairs air conditioning unit leaked through our kitchen ceiling:

Our family enjoyed hiking 1.4 miles at Joyner Park:
Savannah finished a 500-piece puzzle!

Hadley asked me to curl her hair:
Savannah used Perler beads to make a mermaid:

Hadley put on my lipstick (and hers):

Savannah was excited to hit the pool in her new swimsuit:

Tal finished applying two coats of semi-transparent chocolate stain to our deck...

...and painting the railings:

Savannah and Hadley loved staying at Grandma Barbara's house last week. They loved playing, swimming, and shopping with their cousin Harper. Check out Savannah, Harper, and Hadley modeling their new outfits from Grandma Barbara:

During Hurricane Isaias, Grandma Barbara, Gran, and the girls spent the night with Uncle Benny and Aunt EJ. Thankfully, everyone fared well during the storm. 

Hadley and Gran

While the girls stayed with Grandma Barbara last week, Tal and I enjoyed getting take-out for dinner every night, shopping for a new bed, and hiking 3.5 miles on a new trail. 

During our hike, we saw 8 deer. (5 are pictured below.)
Tal went golfing with his F3 buddies, so the girls and I had a girls day. We biked 1.5 miles on a new trail and then picked up pizza for lunch (the girls' choice). 

Tal took the girls on a Daddy-Daughter date, so I could have some personal time. They went biking at the park in our neighborhood. Then, Tal took the girls to Target, where they used their chore money to buy some candy and art supplies.

Hadley starts Kindergarten next week, which means that Tal and I are done paying for daycare after 11 straight years. Tal and I are grateful that our careers enabled us to pay for safe, loving, and educational childcare for our girls, but we're looking forward to having more discretionary income in our monthly budget. 

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