Thursday, March 21, 2019

Visiting Emily

Last weekend the girls and I drove four hours to see my friend Emily and her family, who moved to the Washington, DC area nearly two years ago. We enjoyed playing with Emily's family, going on an Easter Egg Hunt and scavenger hunt, making crafts, eating dinner at Chipotle, and watching a movie at bedtime. We had a fun weekend and are looking forward to visiting Emily and her boys again in June!

Felix (6), Emily, and Xavier (10)

Easter Egg Hunt

The kids loved finding the eggs that Emily had filled with candy
 and hidden in her backyard and front yard:
Opening the eggs 

After the Easter Egg Hunt, the kids went on a scavenger hunt to find the golden egg. They looked for 23 clues that Emily had hidden throughout the house. 

The kids found the golden egg in the guest bedroom, Inside the golden egg, there was a bag of gummy bears for each kid.

Then, the kids enjoyed doing crafts at the dining table:

They painted a canvas...

...and decorated a mug:

Hadley loved petting Emily's cat Spoof:

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