Saturday, July 11, 2020

Coronavirus Chronicles: Part 10

Over the last four months, our family has been working from home and practicing social distancing. Even though school is closed this summer, I'm still working full-time at home. Although there are a lot of interruptions and distractions at home because the girls need my love and attention, I'm thankful to have flexible work hours and to be able to spend more time with Tal and the girls this summer.  

We received some packages in the mail, and the girls enjoyed playing in the boxes:

Sparklers on the 4th of July

We used Tal's annual wellness reimbursement from his employer to renew our Y membership for the rest of 2020. The Y's indoor facilities are closed due to the governor's orders, but the outdoor pool is open with limited capacity and social distancing. Over the last couple weeks, we've enjoyed swimming most days, so we could cool off, burn some energy, and spend time outdoors. 

Hadley used her chore money to buy some fake nails:

Savannah's friend Sky braided her hair. So pretty!

Tal pressured washed our deck and then applied two coats of stain.


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