Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day 2019

Happy Father's Day to our favorite dad! Tal spent his special day doing what he does every day: loving us, serving us, and spending time with us. He helped me do chores, helped Savannah study for her end-of-grade math test, colored a picture with the girls, and took us out for frozen yogurt. We love and appreciate you, Tal!
Savannah (10), Tal, and Hadley (4)

Coloring with the girls

Helping Savannah study for her end-of-grade math test (while he ate lunch)

Eating frozen yogurt

Hadley drew a golf club for Tal...

 ...and made a Father's Day card using her handprint to represent a frog:

Savannah spent a lot of time coloring a card for Tal and writing some of the things she knows and loves about him:

1. Tal cheers for NC State.
2. He enjoys watching and playing golf.
3. Savannah likes when Tal rides bikes with her.
4. Savannah likes when Tal plays games with her.
5. Savannah likes when Tal helps her with her homework.
6. Savannah likes when Tal cheers for her.
7. Savannah likes when Tal watches her do gymnastics.
8. Savannah likes when Tal helps her do stretches.
9. Savannah likes when Tal swims with her and Hadley.

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