Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2016 Decluttering Challenge: Part 4 (Medicine Cabinet)

At the beginning of 2016, I set a goal to declutter 1-2 areas of our home each month. Over the last few months, I've worked on simplifying and organizing our home (even though I haven't taken the time to blog about my progress).

One of my goals was to tackle our medicine cabinet (which is located in our upper kitchen cabinets, so our meds will stay dry and out of our girls' hands):


To begin, I emptied and wiped out the sticky containers. I threw away old, expired, and empty meds, as well as items that we hadn't used recently. Then, I sorted the products into simple categories that make sense for our family (first aid, pain and itch, allergies, cold and flu, Savannah and Hadley, miscellaneous, and sunscreen and bug spray). To save time, I reused the same labels. Our family loves our clean and organized medicine cabinet!


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