Sunday, February 22, 2009

Savannah's First 10 Days

As expected, the last 10 days have been full of adjustments. Overall, Savannah has had more "quiet" moments than "fussy" moments. Tal and I are practicing patience and learning how pacify Savannah when she cries for several hours. Tal likes to joke that Savannah must be afraid she's going to miss something if she goes to sleep. :-) We're hopeful that each day will get better and better as Savannah adjusts to life outside the womb and as we settle into a feeding and sleeping routine.
We're so grateful that the Lord has blessed us with Savannah. The last 10 days have been an adventure as Tal and I have learned a few things about Savannah:
  • She doesn't like to wear hats or booties.
  • Savannah kicks off her covers when she sleeps.
  • She likes when we talk or sing to her.
  • Car rides often put Savannah to sleep.
  • Savannah prefers to keep her hands uncovered when she sleeps.
  • She likes to snuggle on Daddy's shoulder.
  • Savannah is still learning how to relax when she gets the hiccups.
  • Most newborn clothes are too big on Savannah.
  • Savannah usually wails when we give her a bath or change her diaper.
  • She prefers to sleep with a night light.
  • Savannah is still learning how to take a pacifier.
  • Her eyes are sensitive to the sunlight.
  • Savannah's appetite has nearly tripled since we brought her home from the hospital.
Tal and I received a good report when we took Savannah to the pediatrician for her one-week check-up last Friday. Savannah has regained her original birth weight of 6 lbs. 12 oz. All of her vital signs, bodily functions, and reflexes are normal. We'll go to the pediatrician again in three weeks. We're thankful for our healthy baby girl!

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