Friday, October 3, 2008


As most of you know, my assistant and I work very hard to generate funds for our library. Our biggest fundraiser is the Book Fair, which we run for two weeks in the fall and spring.

Our fall Book Fair was a huge success! A couple weeks ago, we raised $6,880--nearly 20% more than last year. With our profit of $2,727, we will be able to purchase about 200 new books for our library.

To celebrate our success, we held an assembly last Friday and today. During the assembly, I selected one student from each grade level to wrap up me and my assistant like a mummy. When the students ran out of toilet paper, they donned us with sunglasses and wigs and then cheered for the cutest mummy.

Surprisingly, I got hot under all the layers of toilet paper. :-) However, being able to buy new books for our library makes it all worthwhile.

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