Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Weight Loss Update

Since May 2018, I've lost 60 lbs, as well as dropped five sizes and lost 25 inches. I can't believe that I'm 2 feet smaller than I was 7 months ago!

In addition, I've broken my addiction to sweets and soda. I have more energy. My acne has disappeared.

When I had my annual exam a few weeks ago, my doctor described my bloodwork as "perfect." My blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and electrolytes were in the healthy range.

I decided to stop using Optavia at the end of December. However, I'm going my continue my healthy habits in 2019. I'm happy with my weight loss progress, but my goal is to lose a few more pounds because I'm still borderline overweight for a 5'6" woman.

I'm doing these things every day to stay focused on my goals and to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • Drink a gallon of water each day. For extra flavor, I often add three squirts of a Crystal Light water enhancer (zero calories) to my water bottle. 
  • Eat 1,200 calories.
  • Control my portions.
  • Weigh my food.
  • Eat every 2-3 hours.
  • Limit dairy to 1-2 a day.
  • Eat 5-7 snacks that are less than 100 calories. Below are some of my favorite snacks:
      • 10 almonds (100 calories)
      • Light and Fit yogurt cup (80 calories)
      • cottage cheese cup (80 calories)
      • cheese stick (70 calories)
      • Laughing Cow light cheese wedge (30 calories)
      • celery (unlimited)
      • tuna pouch (70-100 calories)
      • Atkins protein shake (100 calories--can of powder)
      • 3 oz. Soules chicken (100 calories)
      • sugar free Jello cup (5 calories)
      • sugar free pudding cup (70 calories)
      • sugar free fudge popsicle (40 calories)
      • sugar free gum (5 calories)
  • Eat one lean and green meal that consists of 1.5-2 cups of low-carb veggies and 5-7 oz. of lean protein.
  • Save sweets, soda, chips, and bread for special occasions.
Cheers to a new year and new goals!

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