Saturday, December 12, 2009

10 Months Old!

Dear Savannah,

Today you are 10 months old--the same number of months I carried you inside me. Today I carry you in my arms. A year ago, you were just a dream, and Daddy and I were counting the days until your arrival. Today you are a happy, cuddly miracle that Daddy and I cherish every day.

Since you started crawling a month ago, you hardly play in your exersaucer anymore.

Instead, you prefer to crawl under it.

You're always on the move. You learn by exploring and touching. You love to crawl under tables, scoot in between Daddy's legs, and open and close doors.

A few weeks ago, you figured out how to pull yourself up to your knees. More and more, you grab onto cupboards, chairs, and doors and practice pulling yourself up.

Daddy and I love to listen to your happy babble. You say "ma-ma," "da-da," baa", "aaaah", and "na-na" a lot.

You are 29 1/4 inches long, which puts you in the 95th percentile. The pediatrician predicts that you will be at least 5 ft. 10 in. tall when you grow up. We'll see if you grow to be tall like your Uncle Benny, Uncle Michel, and Grandpa Tom.

Savannah-girl, you love your daddy. You love when he tickles you, throws you up in the air...

...makes silly faces, and rolls on the floor with you. You're Daddy's girl!

Savannah, you bring Mommy and Daddy so much joy. You've changed our lives, and taught us how to be loving and patient. We love you and exploring the world with you.

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